Teresa Gebauer Wang – Wang You-Ping in Chinese – was born on September 29, 1962 in Taiwan. She has been prematurely robbed of her life on March 6, 2014 by a short but even more relentless fatal illness and was laid to rest at the cemetery of her dwelling place in Friedberg, Bavaria. Teresa is the person who influenced me most deeply. This website is designed in remembrance of her. It is supposed to be a place to find anecdotes about her, a place where one can read about her ideas and plans and can ponder over the preciousness and uniqueness of mortal life and whom to thank for it. Anyone who can tell something about her – and in fact this should be anyone whom she ever met in life – can contribute to this endeavour. Please use the comment function in order to contact me any time.
Teresa’s legacy is immense – abundant material is existing about her and of her. I will examine it little by little, edit and then publish it. By doing so, I want to make sure this unique woman will never fall into oblivion, but will live on in the hearts of those who knew and cherished her.
Wolfgang Gebauer
I would love to have her records. Dear Wolfgang, we have some in our PC but if you don’t mind we would love to have the rest of the music she made though her love.
Vielen Dank, Im vorous.
Dear Geghetsik, There are lots of recordings existing of her. I will prepare some CDs for you, just grant me some time. Warmest regards Wolfgang.
What a beautiful tribute you have started here for Teresa, Wolfgang. Our warmest condolences to you. We are so saddened to hear of your loss. We all share in a very small way your loss. Teresa is a beautiful person-inside and out. She brought a special light and exquisite music with her into this world and heaven is a brighter and more beautiful place because Teresa is there.